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predict more than weather. predict light.

Apply to be an Escayper


At this time, Escaype is accepting new members to our waitlist, by application only. As we are a local business staffed by real people, we prefer to limit our rate of growth so we can provide much-needed individual attention to our clients. Our applications currently far exceed our open spaces, and we are giving priority to prospective members who show very strong interest in our community, or a commitment by studying under us and/or using our Medium Rare profiles (if you’re on Sony, they will change your life).

We welcome members of all skill levels, and we do not discriminate based on experience or portfolio quality. We're more interested in finding folks who will be active members in our thriving community and participate in discussion in our groups, where we do image critiques, share real-time weather reports, exchange location info, and help each other grow to become better photographers. If this sounds like a good fit for you, even if you just bought your first dSLR, we'd love to get to know you. 

For more information on how Escaype works, check the About page, features, and FAQ. We expect all new members to have a basic understanding of what our community is about.

Please complete the form below.

(This form doesn’t autosave, so you might prefer to work on your answers in another application.)